Thursday, March 5, 2009

Why go green?

It's the environment. The ONE we live in. The one our kids will live in. It's like we live in a terrarium, we live, eat and breathe in a closed system. It's inevitable the way we are going, with our population and productivity growth, that we will foul our nest. Is it our generation's responsibility?

We know there are problems, but going green is uncomfortable, complex, expensive and just downright hard. Is it because we are born to waste and pollute - it's part of our DNA? Or is it just habit and cultural? Why is it so hard to keep the terrarium clean?

We are going through a very steep learning curve on how to keep the environment intact. We happen to be the generation that will take this challenge, mainly because of climate change. That environmental problem effects every human and seems to be engendering a cultural shift on all forms of fouling of our nest.

Bottom Line #1 - There are just too many of us to just pollute our terrarium willy nilly. We have to address many of the problems associated with human growth and productivity.

Our environment also has resources for our growth and existence as a species. We are dependent on those resources and again, we just have our terrarium's worth to work with. We cant move to a new, abundant one.

Bottom Line #2 - There are too many of us to just use resources without care and forethought.

"Going green" seems like a moniker that falls way short of the problem at hand. Sustainable, environmental, etc. all fail to capture the scope and urgency of us just using up and fouling our terrarium. Whatever you call it, it's worth the trouble.

Our generation will have to reverse the trend, we will be the ones that make the cultural shift and develop the technologies, laws and regulations to keep ourselves in check. We may even learn to work with other nations for a common good...which is bound to draw us closer.

Bottom Line #3 - "Green" is the catalyst for change. We have an opportunity to secure the future by caring about our own terrarium. By definition it's worth the trouble. The byproduct will be an increased consciousness of how we share this world and that our actions affect others, globally.

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